Тест по английскому на словарный запас по теме "Socializing" №7

BOOKS. Match the descriptions with the names of parts of a book.

1. appendix -
2. bibliography -
3. binding -
4. blurb -
5. chapter -
6. contents -
7. cross-reference -
8. epilogue -
9. foreword -
10. index -
11. instalment -
12. preface -
13. prologue -

a) the cover of a book
b) a short description by the publisher of the contents of a book, printed on its paper cover
c) an introduction to a book
d) a preface, especially in which someone who knows the writer and his work says something about them
e) an introduction to a play, long poem
f) one of the main divisions of a book, usually having a number or a title
g) one part of a book, which is read on the radio in regular parts until the story is completed
h) a list of what is contained in the book
i) the end of a book, giving additional information
j) a list of all the writings used in the preparation of a book
k) a list at the back of a book giving, in alphabetical order, names, subjects, etc. mentioned in it and the pages where they can be found
l) a note directing the reader from one place in a book to another place in the same book
m) a part of a story, play, etc. that is added after the end, usually a kind of summing-up