Тест по английскому на словарный запас по теме "Crime and punishment" №3

LAW BREAKERS. Match the criminal with the definition.

1. an arsonist -
2. an assassin -
3. a deserter -
4. an embezzler -
5. a forger -
6. a fraud or con man -
7. a hooligan -
8. a mugger -
9. a poacher -
10. a racketeer -
11. a smuggler -
12. a terrorist -

a) tries to enforce his political demands by carrying out or threatening acts of violence
b) pretends or claims to be what he is not
c) makes money by dishonest business methods, e.g. by selling worthless goods
d) steals from his own company
e) attacks and robs people especially in public places
f) sets fire to property
g) kills for political reasons or reward
h) brings goods into one country from another illegally
i) hunts illegally on somebody else's land
j) makes false money or documents
k) a soldier who leaves the armed forces without permission
l) causes damage or disturbance in public places