Merry go round

Нотный текст - merry go round

1. Oh, come and see the merry-go-round,
The merry-go-round, the merry-go-round!
Come and see the merry-go-round
Go round and round and round!

2. Come, let's rub the pony's hair,
Come, let's rub the pony's hair,
Lots of ponies that we can ride
Round and round and round.

3. Now let's climb on the pony's back,
Now let's climb on the pony's back,
Pick up my reins and buckle my straps,
And round and round and round.

4. It's faster now my pony runs
Up to the moon and down to the sun;
My pony runs to the music and drums
Round and round and round.

5. Now he runs as fast as the winds
And gallops and trots and dances a jig;
Pony's tired and he wants to slow down
Round and round and round.

6. The ponv stops and off I climb,
Off I climb, off I climb;
I'll come back and ride some other time
Round and round and round.

come and see the merry-go-round - давай пойдем и посмотрим на карусель,
let's (let us) rub the pony's hair - давай погладим пони по шерстке,
let's climb on the pony's back - давай сядем на пони верхом,
pick up my reins and buckle my straps - возьму поводья и пристегнусь (застегну ремень),
it's faster now my pony runs = my pony runs faster now - сейчас мой пони скачет (еще) быстрее,
up to the moon and down to the sun - вверх к луне и вниз к солнцу (видимо, так разрисована карусель),
my pony runs to the music and drums - мой пони скачет под музыку и бой барабанов,
he runs as fast as the winds and gallops and trots and dances a jig - он скачет быстро, как ветер, галопом и рысью, а то и танцует джигу,
pony's (pony is) tired and he wants to slow down - пони устал и хочет бежать помедленнее,
off I climb = I climb off - я слезаю (с карусели),
I'll (1 shall) come back and ride some other time - я вернусь и покатаюсь в другой раз.